Tips and advice for buying a height-adjustable washbasin

In our product range, we offer several variations of height adjustable sinks suitable for adapted bathrooms. To simplify the selection process, we have compiled the sinks we offer for use in adapted bathrooms on this page.

Our height-adjustable sinks are divided into three different groups based on how they are adjusted in height:

  • Electrically height-adjustable sink
  • Height-adjustable sink with gas spring
  • Manually height-adjustable sink

 The choice of sink lift variant depends on how it will be used.

The most versatile choice is the electric height-adjustable sink. With a simple button press, the sink can be adjusted by 25 cm (65 - 90 cm above the floor). The height adjustment can be easily performed by the person using the sink.

A motorized sink lift is the obvious choice if the sink's height needs frequent adjustments.

Electrically height-adjustable sinks are commonly used in adapted bathrooms for residential purposes.

Electrically adjustable washbasin - Designline 417
Electrically adjustable washbasin - Designline 417
Electrically height-adjustable washbasin - Basicline 433
Electrically height-adjustable washbasin - Basicline 433
Electrically height-adjustable washbasin - Basicline 415
Electrically height-adjustable washbasin - Basicline 415

If the sink's height doesn't need to be adjusted very frequently, a sink lift with a built-in gas spring is a good choice.

The built-in gas spring assists in lifting the sink during height adjustments.

Sink lifts powered by gas springs are used both in home adaptations and in places like nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or hospitals.

Gas spring driven wash basin - Basicline 406
Gas spring driven wash basin - Basicline 406

In cases where changing the sink's height is infrequent, a manually height-adjustable sink is a good choice.

This can be in situations where the primary user needs a sink with space for legroom, but still provides the option for height adjustment if the requirements change.

An example of use is in nursing homes, where residents with varying height requirements for sinks move in and out.

Manual height-adjustable washbasin - Basicline 401
Manual height-adjustable washbasin - Basicline 401
Manual height-adjustable washbasin - Basicline 403
Manual height-adjustable washbasin - Basicline 403